იაკობ გოგებაშვილის სახელობის
თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
A virtual exhibition on green engineering programs

As part of the Study in Europe project, a virtual exhibition on green engineering programs will be held on May 24 (9-11 a.m. to 5-7 p.m. CEST).

The mentioned project "Study in Europe" is a three-year project of the European Commission (2021-2023), whose consortium consists of such organizations as: Campus France (leading organization), DAAD, Nuffic, Archimedes Foundation and Academic Cooperation Association (ACA). Its main objective is to promote the strengthening of European higher education and EU-funded opportunities around the world, improving the availability of targeted information on study and research opportunities in Erasmus+ program countries.

The European national support agencies and higher education institutions from Erasmus+ countries offering educational programs (including Erasmus Mundus programs) in the mentioned field will be represented at the exhibition.

Representatives from the exhibiting organizations will provide advice to interested students worldwide and will also upload informational materials on study programs, special offers, selection and enrollment procedures, etc.

The exhibition will also feature a special Erasmus Mundus auditorium, where the five master programs operating in this sector will be presented.

Registration for the exhibition is possible at the following link: https://www.meetyoo.live/register/1/DAAD-Study-in-Europe-Virtual-Fair-Green-Engineering

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