იაკობ გოგებაშვილის სახელობის
თელავის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
The University of Passau is announcing a call for getting EFD scholarship in Germany

Georgian students are given a chance to study in Germany without any charge. A call is announced for getting EFD scholarship in Germany, that will give opportunity to two Georgian students for getting education at Passau University within 10 months and get 660 € per month. The language of study is German, thus the certificate of German language competence is quite essential.


Application Process

The potential scholarship holders will be elected by an independent commission in July/August. The following documents have to be sent to participate in the selection process:

  • A transcript of records (in German or English);
  • A C.V. including an overview about the social and political commitment of the applicant (in German);
  • An essay stating the personal point of view of the applicant with regard to conflicts in his or her home country (in German);
  • A letter of motivation describing the eligibility of the applicant for the program and stating his or her reasons to apply (in German);
  • A letter of recommendation from two different university lecturers (in German or English) Criteria for the selection go beyond good grades and language knowledge.


Social and political commitment is also taken into consideration.

After a first selection has been made, the students are contacted for a skype interview. The final decision is based on the submitted documents and the interview.

Please, send the required documents as one PDF file to nana.berulava@hotmail.com and in cc to thomas-schwaiger@gmx.de .

The deadline for applications is the 4th of August 2016 (23:59). Interviews will be scheduled for the 8th of August 2016.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Nana Berulava | 015751433192| nana.berulava@hotmail.com or Thomas Schwaiger | thomas-schwaiger@gmx.de

For details, please see the attached PDF   file 1 , file 2

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